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Make Background Blur - With Photoshop 7.0

Written by: Chandra R (
For users of digital cameras, especially consumer class, where the camera uses a smaller sensor and lens length are limited, it is difficult to obtain a shallow DOF, so the background looks blurry, which is often used to isolate / emphasize the object, prior to this class are generally camera automatic (Point & Shoot). With the help of Photoshop, things mentioned above is easy to do, here given a rather complicated way, so the result will be better:
  1. Create a selection of tabs on the object that we want to keep sharp (most easily with Magnetic Lasso), to refine the selection results, click the select-feather (typing its value between 1-4) and select-Smooth (typing its value between 2-6).
  2.   Create a new layer from selection TSB (layer via copy, Ctrl + J), hide this layer (layer1), clicking on the icon with his eye on the layers palette.
  3. . Enable / select the background layer, use the smudge tool (located on the tool box, one group with Blur / Sharpen tool), do the withdrawal of all edge pixels around the object to the inside (toward the edge of the object), so quickly, select a brush size too big ill in diameter and enlarging the image in the display which is not too large (eg: the Hand Tool, select Fit on Screen); the purpose of using this tool, is not to be seen "hello" on the edge of the object, which is often seen when we use a simple way (selection object, select-inverse, gaussian blur).
  4.   Then select Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur, typing the value, depending on how we want to blur the background (generally a value between 60-10 is enough) ..
  5. . Return back a new layer from selection (layer one) by clicking the eye icon in the palette back layersnya, we will see results, where the edge of the boundary of the object, not visible halo. When we feel less refined selection results, we can fix the first layer TSB, eg: the Eraser Tool, to remove excess selection we do.
  6. Finally, keep (save) the results of our work, if we feel are satisfied and do not plan to edit it again, join TSB layers (flatten image), especially when the image is saved TSB in JPEG format.
Good luck.

The Digital Revolution


This data is in regard to the films released theatrically in the United States in 2007 and how many of them were originated digitally, as opposed to on film. Ten years ago, this was unheard of. Today, it is becoming more and more commonplace — but just how commonplace is it? What are the trends and how firmly has the digital revolution taken hold?
There is no doubt that digital technology has firmly taken hold of the postproduction world – and there's no going back. Post, for the majority of films made today, is nearly 100% digital. There are a few die-hard hangers-on, but they are as rare as a spotted owl in the middle of Times Square.
If you believe the PR hype from camera manufacturers and newbie know-it-alls, everything is shot digitally now-a-days... But, alas, that is not the case. For the last 100 years, 35mm film has been the primary origination medium in the motion picture industry (and it still reigns king in the theatrical world) but there are exceptions, and digital origination is taking a strong foothold in the business — not just with independent filmmakers.
In 2007, there were 628 films theatrically released in the United States. Utilizing a combination of the official qualification list from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, full release list from and the Internet Movie Database as the principal sources of information, I have complete technical data for 404 of those films (224 films have no technical data listed).
Of the 404 films (and please note I use the term "films" to represent any motion picture whether digital or film) 363 of them were live-action fictional narrative films. I exclude animated films (nearly 100% digital these days) and documentary films (have long been shot on "amateur" — or inexpensive — formats such as 16mm and video) from the statistical data.

History :Digital Video

From :

Starting in the late 1970s to the early 1980s, several types of video production equipment- such as time base correctors (TBC) and digital video effects (DVE) units (two of the latter being the Ampex ADO, and the NEC DVE) were introduced that operated by taking a standard analog video input and digitizing it internally. This made it easier to either correct or enhance the video signal, as in the case of a TBC, or to manipulate and add effects to the video, in the case of a DVE unit. The digitized and processed clip from these units would then be converted back to standard analog video.
Later on in the 1970s, manufacturers of professional video broadcast equipment, such as Bosch (through their Fernseh division), RCA, and Ampex developed prototype digital videotape recorders in their research and development labs. Bosch's machine used a modified 1" Type B transport, and recorded an early form of CCIR 601 digital video. None of these machines from these manufacturers were ever marketed commercially, however.
Digital video was first introduced commercially in 1986 with the Sony D-1 format, which recorded an uncompressed standard definition component video signal in digital form instead of the high-band analog forms that had been commonplace until then. Due to the expense, D-1 was used primarily by large television networks. It would eventually be replaced by cheaper systems using compressed data, most notably Sony's Digital Betacam, still heavily used as a field recording format by professional television producers, that made it in studios at their company.
One of the first digital video products to run on personal computers was PACo: The PICS Animation Compiler from The Company of Science & Art in Providence, RI, which was developed starting in 1990 and first shipped in May 1991.[1] PACo could stream unlimited-length video with synchronized sound from a single file on CD-ROM. Creation required a Mac; playback was possible on Macs, PCs, and Sun Sparcstations. In 1992, Bernard Luskin, Philips Interactive Media, and Eric Doctorow, Paramount Worldwide Video, successfully put the first fifty videos in digital MPEG 1 on CD, developed the packaging and launched movies on CD, leading to advancing versions of MPEG, and to DVD.
QuickTime, Apple Computer's architecture for time-based and streaming data formats appeared in June, 1991. Initial consumer-level content creation tools were crude, requiring an analog video source to be digitized to a computer-readable format. While low-quality at first, consumer digital video increased rapidly in quality, first with the introduction of playback standards such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 (adopted for use in television transmission and DVD media), and then the introduction of the DV tape format allowing recording direct to digital data and simplifying the editing process, allowing non-linear editing systems to be deployed cheaply and widely on desktop computers with no external playback/recording equipment needed. The widespread adoption of digital video has also drastically reduced the bandwidth needed for a high definition television signal (with HDV and AVCHD, as well as several commercial variants such as DVCPRO-HD, all using less bandwidth than a standard definition analog signal) and Tapeless camcorders based on flash memory and often a variant of MPEG-4.

Tips for Choosing a Digital Camera

Digital cameras have a variety of types and features that sometimes makes us confused to choose according to our needs. . Choosing a real camera-easy easy difficult especially for users who enter the category beginner or amateur.  Therefore, it is very useful tips for prospective users of digital cameras before choosing the desired camera. . Here are some tips before the hunt for a digital camera.
Resolusi Resolution
. This resolution refers to the number of pixels that work together to make a photograph. 1280x960 resolution has a total of 1.2 Megapixels. Semakin besar resolusi akan memproduksi foto yang juga lebih baik. The higher resolution will produce images that are also better.
Usually one camera is available in different resolution options.  If you just want to send photos via e-mail, a resolution of 640x480 is adequate.  But if you want to score better choose a larger resolution, so images are not broken and blurred.
  Make sure the other support features
. Before buying, make sure the digital camera of your choice to select some features, such as supporting additional memory capacity.  This is to enlarge the warehouse to store your images.
If you occasionally want a moving image, select a camera that supports video because some digital cameras there is only capable of audio only. Adjust to your needs. Video atau audio? Video or audio?
  Also note the zoom capabilities are offered.  Optical zoom into the center of attention rather than digital zoom, the devices that provide facilities Kunak croppping and enlarge the image.
There are automatic or have to press a button on to run it. Flash berguna sebagai pendukung cahaya. Flash is useful as a supporter of light.
Pictures taken in slightly darker conditions can still show up with the help of dazzling lights.
Note also if the slim has additional features such as a reduction of red-eye effect. Some products also come with options for shooting photos at night or the night scene.
  LCD screen
LCD screen on the back of digital camera lets you see the object. Here you can also view and delete unwanted pictures. Select a resolution LCD screen with content that is big enough so that the colors appear more natural. Make sure the screen is not too small, so images can be performed optimally.
In addition to facilitate self-photographed images, this feature is also useful for taking pictures in poor light conditions because it can reduce the shock effect of pressure on the key shots.
Battery power
If you do not want the pleasure is lost because of lackluster battery, you need to pay attention to how long it can survive a power source. Choosing a rechargeable battery (rechargeable) are more frugal and wise action.

Notice if your digital camera can connect with other digital devices such as televisions, printers, PCs or Macs. Anda akan tertolong dengan adanya USB kabel. You will be helped by the USB cable.
You can also print images with the help of a USB cable. Some digital cameras already supports PictBridge which allows you flexibility to print images directly from digital camera even though a different brand.
The six vendors that pioneered the open standards that are Canon, Hewleet-Packard, Seiko Epson Corporation, Olympus Optical Company, Fuji Photo Film Corporation and Sony Corporation.
Do not forget to calculate the price of other supporting devices such as rechargeable battery and AC adapter.
Operating time
Choose a digital camera that did not take too many shots after the break.  Difference in time four to six seconds just might make you less satisfied with the performance of the lean.
  Compare prices and warranty
  Do not just shop just enamored of sati.  If there's no harm in spare time you do minimal research before buying.
Different profit margins to be the source of why the prices you find in the stores does not equal one another. . Note also the warranty.

  Finally, do not just knit to shape the tempting but note the content or features that are in a product.
Please use the facility Camera Forum to view and seek additional information before making your choice. (CBN)